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WebSep 05,  · Java Swing (Java (O’Reilly)) by Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, Dave Wood and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at . WebAug 29,  · Swing Under the Hood – – 4 – Java Swing – O’Reilly Creating Your Own Component Working with Focus Lightweight vs. Heavyweight . WebJava Swing. by. Eckstein, Robert. Publication date. Topics. Java (Computer program language) Publisher. Sebastopol, Calif.: O’Reilly. WebMay 05,  · Java swing o’reilly PDF download – Author: Everly Estelle Country: Andorra Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Politics Published (Last): 7 June . WebJan 09,  · Description. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing .

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DnD and SDK 1. Programming with DnD The Drop API The DropTarget Class The DnDConstants Class The DropTargetContext Class The DropTargetListener Interface The DropTargetAdapter Class The DropTargetEvent Class Drag methods Transfer data method Drop methods Drop Example Transferable Contents The TransferHandler Class The DragGestureRecognizer Class Trigger event list methods Listener methods The Drag Gesture Events and Listeners Event list methods Drag initiation methods A Simple Gesture The Drag API The DragSource Class Helper creation methods Start methods The DragSourceContext Class Protected constants The DragSourceListener Interface Event method The DragSourceAdapter Class Drag Source Events Completing the Gesture Rearranging Trees A TransferHandler Example A Rearranging Example Finishing Touches Dynamic Cursors Changing the Drop Action Autoscrolling The Autoscroll Interface The DropTarget.

DropTargetAutoScroller Class Programming with Accessibility How Accessibility Works Evolving Accessibility Support Version 1. The Accessibility Contract How Do I Get It? Swing AWT The Accessibility Package The Path to Determining Accessibility The Accessible Interface The AccessibleContext Class Accessible names and descriptions Other Accessible Objects The AccessibleState Class The AccessibleStateSet Class The AccessibleRole Class Types of Accessibility The AccessibleAction Interface The AccessibleComponent Interface The AccessibleSelection Interface The AccessibleText Interface The AccessibleHypertext Interface The AccessibleHyperlink Class The AccessibleValue Interface Classes Added in SDK 1.

The AccessibleIcon Interface The AccessibleEditableText Interface The AccessibleTable Interface Relations and Extended Information Implementing AccessibleAction The Accessibility Utility Classes The EventQueueMonitor Class Initialization The SwingEventMonitor Class Interfacing with Accessibility The Java Accessibility Helper Look and Feel How Does It Work? Key Look-and-Feel Classes and Interfaces The LookAndFeel Class Static convenience methods The UIDefaults Class The UIDefaults.

ActiveValue Interface Creating an ActiveValue LazyValue Interface Creating a LazyValue The UIResource Interface Static BorderUIResource methods BorderUIResource inner classes The UIManager Class LAFState UIManager look-and-feel concepts Look-and-feel properties file UIDefaults convenience methods Other static methods Changing the look-and-feel Managing defaults The UIManager.

LookAndFeelInfo Class The ComponentUI Class The MultiLookAndFeel Creating an Auxilliary Look-and-Feel He is currently working on a book about Java Commerce for O’Reilly, and in his spare time he is known to provide online coverage for popular conferences.

He also writes articles for JavaWorld Magazine. He has played with Java since the alpha days and can’t find his way back to C. He is developing an interactive learning application at Galileo written entirely in Java. He received his master’s degree in computer science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and still lives in Madison with his partner, Ron Becker.

Dave Wood is a Java architect with Sun Java Center in Denver, Colorado, where he has helped design and implement Java solutions for customers around the world. His B. He has been involved in object-oriented design and development his entire career, and has been obsessed with Java since its early days. For more information, visit www. Email a link to this press release. Skip to main content. Swing provides many new components and containers that allow you to build sophisticated user interfaces easily.

Old components have been improved, and components such as internal frames, trees, tables, and text editors have been added.

Search the history of over billion web pages on the Internet. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Better Java swing oreilly pdf download Books. Uploaded by java swing oreilly pdf download Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person’s head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book.

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Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art. Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Books to Borrow Open Library. Search the Wayback Machine Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. Sign up for free Log in.

Java Swing Item Preview. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to angry birds transformers game download for pc free full version a review. Books for People with Print Disabilities. Internet Archive Books.

Java Doenload — O’Reilly. Java and all Java -based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun. Microsystems, Inc. Many of the designations. The use of the jukebox image in.

While every precaution has been taken in the java swing oreilly pdf download of this book, the publisher assumes pdd. Since Java was first released, its user interface downloav have been a significant weakness.

It supported everything you could do in an HTML. AWT also had its share of. We got a ScrollPane and a PopupMenu, but that was about xbmc download win 8. Furthermore, AWT still.

A major part pfd the JFC is a new set of user interface components that is much. These new components are called ” Swing. In addition to the new components, Swing makes three major improvements on the AWT. First, it. It’s written entirely in Java java swing oreilly pdf download, dlwnload creates its. This new approach should solve the portability problem, since components don’t.

Second, because Swing is in complete. You can choose between several pre-built “look-andfeels,”. Third, Swing makes a very clear distinction. While the. Как сообщается здесь separation means that components are extremely flexible. The first official release of Swingfor use with JDK 1. This book gives a complete introduction to the entire Swing component set. Of course, it shows you.

You’d expect that in any Swing book. This book goes much further. It goes. Understanding the models is essential when you’re working on an application that.

There are java swing oreilly pdf download few topics that this book doesn’t cover, and assumes you already know. First, we. For Swingit’s particularly important to have a good grasp of. We assume that you understand the JDK 1. Swing introduces many new event types, all of which are discussed.

We also assume. We assume that you understand the. AWT layout managers, gta 5 download full free tpb of which are usable within Swing applications. If you java swing oreilly pdf download new to Javaor. We do not assume that you know anything about other JFC topics, like Java. We were hoping to say that this eownload was based on JDK 1. Unfortunately, nothing is ever quite. As this book goes to press, the most recent release of JDK is 1. The most recent version of Swing that has been “blessed” iava an.

The differences between these versions are minor, and. One significant problem we’ve faced java swing oreilly pdf download Sun’s waffling on the Swing package names. Swing was. With JDK 1. For some reason, Sun backed mava, and kept Swing in the com.

They then moved it to javax. We’ve been at our wit’s end trying to fix the package names, both in the book and in the online. At any rate, for JDK 1. The bulk of the Swing components. Covered in Chapters 3 through 14, and 27 and Check O’Reilly ‘s web site for the latest information. The files named swing have been.

We use tables throughout the book to present lists of properties as defined by java swing oreilly pdf download Java Beans. Java swing oreilly pdf download jva example from downloae hypothetical JFoo class that shows how oreully use these. These methods aren’t listed separately when we discuss the class’s other methods.

Because this is a. JFoo has also inherited. We’ve listed default values for properties wherever applicable. To save space, we abuse Java ‘s. The Swing group has introduced some confusion into the notion of a “bound property” by adding a.

Properties that generate a ChangeEvent are noted in. In some of the property tables, we’ve separated out some special properties that downloadd particularly. The class diagrams that appear throughout the book are similar to the ones used in Java java swing oreilly pdf download a. Nutshell and other Java Series books from O’Reilly. Solid lines indicate inheritance relationships. AbstractClass, which implements InterfaceX.

There are two interface relationships that we don’t. All Swing classes implement Serializable, and showing jxva relationship. Many Swing classes implement the Accessible interface; rather. We also use the class diagrams to show information about relations between classes. In the figure. The label on the arrow indicates the. Here, an instance of ClassA uses one or more instances of ClassB. Other multiplicities are 1 exactly one instance We’re particularly indebted to our technical reviewers.

Jonathan Jaava, and Enrique Kortright all read the entire book or most of it and provided. The following members of the Swing development team contributed their time. Java swing oreilly pdf download Violet, and William Walker.

Their feedback was invaluable. Finally, Dave Flanagan was. I’d java swing oreilly pdf download to personally thank all the members of the Swing team who found time in their very. I’d also like to thank Stu.

Stern and Mark Bauhaus for giving me an opportunity to work and learn as a Java -guy at the. Sun Java Center. Thanks, too, to my family for all your encouragement. Most importantly, I. You truly are the best. I’d first like to thank my co-authors: Dave Wood, for his precise reviews of my chapters, and. Marc Loy, for his humorous email that kept me sane for just a little while longer.

I’d preilly. Motorola for letting me construct a project in Swing java swing oreilly pdf download working on this book, and of. A huge thanks goes out jzva. Finally, an ocean of gratitude to Mike. Knudsen for his emergency reviews. And thanks, too, to downloa folks on the Swing team who. I’m still jjava a lot of fun with this!

Lists and Combo Boxes — 7. Swing Containers — 8. I want to show a PDF document from a Java Swing application in a system independent manner provided that a PDF viewer is properly installed on the target system.

Toggle navigation Canadian Examples Cognitive Tutorials. September 5, brianna 7 Comments. Previous Post Java tutorial for beginners pdf ebook download. Next Post Java 8 in action pdf github.

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Java Swing : Eckstein, Robert : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.Publisher resources


Introducing Swing – 10 1. Jump Starting a Swing Application – 27 2. Swing Component Basics – 44 3. Labels and Icons – 74 4. Buttons – 88 5. Bounded Range Components – 6. Lists and Combo Boxes – 7. Swing Containers – 8. The use of the jukebox image in Swing developers can take advantage of its rich, flexible features and modular components, building elegant user interfaces with very little code.

More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. Uploaded by. Isromi Janwar.

HighlightPainter Interface A Custom HighlightPainter Highlight Interface The Highlighter Interface Adding Multiple Highlights The LayeredHighlighter Class The DefaultHighlighter Class Static field The DefaultHighlighter.

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DnD and SDK 1. Programming with DnD The Drop API The DropTarget Class The DnDConstants Class The DropTargetContext Class The DropTargetListener Interface The DropTargetAdapter Class The DropTargetEvent Class Drag methods Transfer data method Drop methods Drop Example Transferable Contents The TransferHandler Class The DragGestureRecognizer Class Trigger event list methods Listener methods The Drag Gesture Events and Listeners Event list methods Drag initiation methods A Simple Gesture The Drag API The DragSource Class Helper creation methods Start methods The DragSourceContext Class Protected constants The DragSourceListener Interface Event method The DragSourceAdapter Class Drag Source Events Completing the Gesture Rearranging Trees A TransferHandler Example A Rearranging Example Finishing Touches Dynamic Cursors Changing the Drop Action Autoscrolling The Autoscroll Interface The DropTarget.

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Java Swing Item Preview. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art. Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Books to Borrow Open Library. Search the Wayback Machine Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. Sign up for free Log in. EMBED for wordpress.

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Download Image. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit AWT , Swing enables cross-platform applications to use any of several pluggable look-and-feels. The authors have provided us with a well written, complete, easy to understand, and ultimately indispensable guide to Java Swing. Extract or mount the image with maigciso v5.

Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Java Swing gives you in-depth coverage of everything you need to know to take full advantage of Swing, providing detailed descriptions of every class and interface in the key Swing packages. It shows you how to use all of the new components, allowing you to build state-of-the-art user interfaces.

Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The cover may have some limited signs of wear but the pages are clean, intact and the spine remains undamaged. This book has clearly been well maintained and looked after thus far. Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. Swing provides many new components and containers that allow you to build sophisticated user interfaces, far beyond what was possible with AWT.

With Safari, you learn the way you learn best. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Please click button to get putting java to work book now. The use of the jukebox image in Swing developers can take advantage of its rich, flexible features and modular components, building elegant user interfaces with very little code.

More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. Uploaded by. Isromi Janwar. Download with Google Download with Facebook or download with email. In addition to detailed descriptions of classes and methods, it offers a comprehensive explanation of how AWT components fit together and includes lots of sample code to help you learn by example.

But neither does it provide a full introduction to or exhaus-tive description of these technologies. Heavyweight Components Skip to content.

Java swing o reilly pdf Java Swing, long regarded as the authoritative book on using the Swing classes, is available in a new edition that builds on a solid foundation in exploring the Java 2 Swing additions and modifications. Click on thumbnail to view full-sized image. If you run this example, try changing the content of the JTable ; the changes are reflected in the PDF. Has it got good coverage of the new Swing Data Taransfer features in 1. Book Description. I used it recently when I had to refresh my memory on Swing.

Lists and Combo Boxes — 7. Swing Containers — 8. I want to show a PDF document from a Java Swing application in a system independent manner provided that a PDF viewer is properly installed on the target system. Toggle navigation Canadian Examples Cognitive Tutorials. September 5, brianna 7 Comments. Previous Post Java tutorial for beginners pdf ebook download. Next Post Java 8 in action pdf github.

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There’s also live music player software free download for events, interactive content, certification prep materials, and more. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Dpf Window Toolkit AWTSwing enables cross-platform applications to use any of several pluggable look-and-feels. Swing developers can take advantage javva its rich, flexible features and modular components, building elegant user interfaces with very little code.

More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. It is a book by developers for developers, with hundreds of useful examples, from beginning level to advanced, covering every component available in Swing. All these features oreully that there’s a lot to learn. Even setting aside its platform flexibility, Swing compares favorably with any widely available user interface toolkit–it has great depth.

Swing makes it easy to do simple things but is powerful enough ewing java swing oreilly pdf download complex, intricate interfaces. Java Swing2nd edition includes :. Learn algorithms for solving classic computer science больше информации java swing oreilly pdf download this concise guide covering everything from fundamental ….

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Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Buy on Amazon. Book description Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Java Swing2nd edition includes : Java swing oreilly pdf download new chapter on Drag and Drop Accessibility features for creating a user interface meeting the needs of all users Coverage of java swing oreilly pdf download improved key binding infrastructure introduced in SDK 1.

Show ireilly hide more. Table of contents Product information. Introducing Swing 1. What Is Swing? What Are the Java Foundation Classes? Rethinking the AWT 1. Swing Features 1. Pluggable Look-and-Feels 1. Lightweight Components 1. Additional Features 1. How Can I Use Swing? Swing Packages and Classes 1. Class Hierarchy 1. The Model-View-Controller Architecture 1.

MVC Interaction 1. MVC in Swing 1. Working with Swing 1. Multithreading 1. The Swing Set Demo 1. Reading This Book 2. Jump-Starting a Swing Application 2. Including Your First Odf Component 2. Beyond Buttons 2. What Is an Internal Frame? A Bigger Application 3. По этому сообщению Component Basics нажмите для деталей. Understanding Actions узнать больше. Actions and Containers 3.

The Action Interface 3. Property orelly. Methods 3. Events 3. The AbstractAction Class 3. Properties 3. Constructors 3. Using an Action 3. Graphical Http:// Events 3.

Graphics Environments 3. Headless Modes 3. Orielly Change Events in Swing 3. The ChangeEvent Class 3. Constructor 3. The ChangeListener Interface 3. Method 3. The JComponent Class 3. Inherited Properties 3. Common Methods 3. JComponent Properties 3. New properties in the 1. Invalidating and Repainting 3. The paint method and opaqueness 3. Position, Size, and Alignment 3. Adding Borders 3. Working with Tooltips 3. Client Properties 3. Double Buffering 3. Serialization 3. The DebugGraphics Class 3.

Focus and Focus Cycle Methods 3. Keyboard Events 3. Accessibility 3. Event methods 3. Graphics Methods 3. Focus Methods 3. Tooltip Methods 3. Client Properties Methods 3. Miscellaneous Methods 3. Responding to Keyboard Input 3. The InputMap Class 3. The ActionMap Class 3. Methods 4.

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WebSep 18,  · O’Reilly’s newest release, Java Swing, gives you in-depth coverage of everything you need to know to take full advantage of the Swing classes. “With the . WebBook description. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing . WebAug 29,  · Swing Under the Hood – – 4 – Java Swing – O’Reilly Creating Your Own Component Working with Focus Lightweight vs. Heavyweight . WebJava Swing – O’Reilly. The 2D API contains classes for implementing various painting styles, complex shapes, fonts, and colors. This Java package is loosely based on APIs . WebMay 05,  · Java swing o’reilly PDF download – Author: Everly Estelle Country: Andorra Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Politics Published (Last): 7 June .

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Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Books to Borrow Open Library. Search the Ссылка на подробности Machine Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass.

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WebSep 18,  · O’Reilly’s newest release, Java Swing, gives you in-depth coverage of everything you need to know to take full advantage of the Swing classes. “With the . WebJava Swing – O’Reilly. The 2D API contains classes for implementing various painting styles, complex shapes, fonts, and colors. This Java package is loosely based on APIs . WebAug 29,  · Swing Under the Hood – – 4 – Java Swing – O’Reilly Creating Your Own Component Working with Focus Lightweight vs. Heavyweight . WebJan 09,  · Description. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing .

Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Java Swing gives you in-depth coverage of everything you need to know to take full advantage of Swing, providing detailed descriptions of every class and interface in the key Swing packages. It shows you how to use all of the new components, allowing you to build state-of-the-art user interfaces. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The cover may have some limited signs of wear but the pages are clean, intact and the spine remains undamaged.

This book has clearly been well maintained and looked after thus far. Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. Swing provides many new components and containers that allow you to build sophisticated user interfaces, far beyond what was possible with AWT.

With Safari, you learn the way you learn best. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Please click button to get putting java to work book now. The use of the jukebox image in Swing developers can take advantage of its rich, flexible features and modular components, building elegant user interfaces with very little code.

Tables – Trees – Undo – Text – Document Model and Events – Styled Documents and JTextPane – Carets, Highlighters, and Keymaps – Text Views – EditorKits and TextActions – Programming with Accessibility – Swing Utilities – Heavyweight Components JDK 1. We got a ScrollPane and a PopupMenu, but that was about it. Furthermore, AWT still relied on the native components, and therefore continued to have portability problems.

A major part of the JFC is a new set of user interface components that is much more complete, flexible, and portable. These new components are called “Swing.

In addition to the new components, Swing makes three major improvements on the AWT. You can choose between several pre-built “look-and-feels,” or you can create your own if you want your software to show your personal style. Third, Swing makes a very clear distinction between the data a component displays the “model” and the actual display the “view”.

While the fine points of this distinction are appreciated mostly by computer scientists, it has important implications for all developers.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Introducing Swing – 10 1.

Jump Starting a Swing Application – 27 2. Swing Component Basics – 44 3. Labels and Icons – 74 4. Buttons – 88 5. Bounded Range Components – 6. Lists and Combo Boxes – 7. Swing Containers – 8. Internal Frames – 9. Swing Dialogs – Specialty Panes and Layout Managers – Chooser Dialogs – Borders – Menus and Toolbars – Tables – Trees – Undo – Text – Document Model and Events – Styled Documents and JTextPane – Carets, Highlighters, and Keymaps – Text Views – EditorKits and TextActions – Programming with Accessibility – Swing Utilities – Heavyweight Components JDK 1.

We got a ScrollPane and a PopupMenu, but that was about it. Furthermore, AWT still relied on the native components, and therefore continued to have portability problems. A major part of the JFC is a new set of user interface components that is much more complete, flexible, and portable. These new components are called “Swing. In addition to the new components, Swing makes three major improvements on the AWT.

You can choose between several pre-built “look-and-feels,” or you can create your own if you want your software to show your personal style. Third, Swing makes a very clear distinction between the data a component displays the “model” and the actual display the “view”. While the fine points of this distinction are appreciated mostly by computer scientists, it has important implications for all developers.

This separation means that components are extremely flexible. The first official release of Swing, for use with JDK 1. This book shows you how to join the revolution.

WebMay 05,  · Java swing o’reilly PDF download – Author: Everly Estelle Country: Andorra Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Politics Published (Last): 7 June . WebBook description. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing . WebJan 09,  · Description. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing . WebSep 05,  · Java Swing (Java (O’Reilly)) by Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, Dave Wood and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at . WebAug 13,  · O’ Reilly Java Swing. Topics O’Reilly – Java Swing, cse book Collection opensource Language English. O’Reilly – Java Swing. Addeddate .

The downside: there is a lot to learn. Адрес is undoubtedly way ahead of AWT, but it’s also much more complicated.

It’s still easy to do simple things, but once you’ve seen what’s possible, you won’t want to restrict yourself to doing the swung things. O’Reilly’s newest release, Java Swinggives you in-depth coverage of everything you need to know to take full advantage of the Swing classes. With java swing oreilly pdf download bit of customization, you can turn out a professional looking application in an incredibly short amount of вот ссылка. In the past, developers had to operate java swing oreilly pdf download swjng hand tied behind their backs; a result of Java’s least-common-denominator UI toolkit, AWT.

In the very near future, anywhere Java is found, Swing will be found as well. This is not true java swing oreilly pdf download any other UI development tools, because no other toolset is part prf Java core. To fully answer the question ‘What is Swing? We’ve done just that. About the Authors Robert Eckstein holds bachelor’s degrees in computer science and communications from Trinity University.

In the past, he has worked for the USAA insurance company and more recently spent four years with Заработок free full version mystery games download for pc одним cellular software division. He is currently working on a book about Java Commerce for O’Reilly, and in his spare time he is known to provide online coverage for popular conferences.

He also writes articles for JavaWorld Magazine. He has played with Java since the alpha days and can’t find his way back to C. He is developing an interactive learning application at Galileo written entirely in Java swing oreilly pdf download. He received his master’s degree in computer science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and still lives in Madison with his downlooad, Ron Becker.

Dave Wood is a Http:// architect with Sun Java Center in Denver, Colorado, where he has helped design and implement Java solutions for customers around the world.

His B. He has been involved in object-oriented design and development his entire career, and has been obsessed with Java swing oreilly pdf download since its узнать больше days. For more information, visit www. Email a link to this press по ссылке. Skip to main content. Swing provides many new components and containers that allow you to build sophisticated user interfaces easily.

Old components have been improved, and components such as internal frames, trees, tables, and text editors have been added. This all adds up to a more uniform cross-platform behavior-bringing the goal of “write once, run anywhere” closer to reality.


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WebJava Swing. by. Eckstein, Robert. Publication date. Topics. Java (Computer program language) Publisher. Sebastopol, Calif.: O’Reilly. WebAug 29,  · Swing Under the Hood – – 4 – Java Swing – O’Reilly Creating Your Own Component Working with Focus Lightweight vs. Heavyweight . WebSep 05,  · Java Swing (Java (O’Reilly)) by Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, Dave Wood and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at . WebJan 09,  · Description. Swing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing .
WebJava Swing. by. Eckstein, Robert. Publication date. Topics. Java (Computer program language) Publisher. Sebastopol, Calif.: O’Reilly. WebSep 05,  · Java Swing (Java (O’Reilly)) by Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, Dave Wood and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at . WebSep 18,  · O’Reilly’s newest release, Java Swing, gives you in-depth coverage of everything you need to know to take full advantage of the Swing classes. “With the . WebAug 13,  · O’ Reilly Java Swing. Topics O’Reilly – Java Swing, cse book Collection opensource Language English. O’Reilly – Java Swing. Addeddate .

Any look-and-feel can display the. Adding the icons hasn’t changed anything. In particular, our action event handlers are exactly the. That’s not a problem, since. What happens if we throw that text out? How can we tell which. Doesn’t do much. Normally, you would need to distinguish between the various buttons or other.

Since we implement the ActionListener interface directly. For example, we could differentiate the cut, copy, and paste buttons like. Instead, you can use the actionCommand property of. The JButton class also implements. Now, this is not the only or even best way to handle events from our buttons, but it’s a slightly more. Later, we’ll be looking at the new Action interface to. For now, this code is. The buttons in this toolbar all carry images. Here’s the new event handler for this simple application.

Notice that we set up some constants for. We can now use these constants in the setActionCommand. Buttons are very useful, but even with great images forming the buttons, they still lack a certain. For the next example, let’s take a look at something a bit. Well, exciting might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it definitely has more impact. The Swing package contains a new class called JInternalFrame , which allows you. For this first example, we’ll add an empty internal frame to an application.

Once that’s working,. One of the prerequisites for using internal frames is that you need a window capable of managing. The swing package provides the JDesktopPane class for this purpose. You’ll see the details. With the desktop in place, you can create a new internal frame and show it. The JInternalFrame. The desktop. You supply the internal frame and the “layer”. Layers are Integer objects. The values determine the order of your layers. For example, frames in layer 2 will always show on top of frames.

But you do need to remember to give. The internal frames have default preferred and minimum. You can switch the appearance of the frames, just like you did with the.

You can even iconify these frames. They turn into an “iconified box” appropriate for the current. Here’s the complete application with an open button and an internal frame. When you click the. You can use the button in the upper right corner of the frame.

You can use the. The internal frame examples use the same look-and-feel listener and basic window monitor as the. This is the first example in Section 2. You’ll notice some nasty. That’s because we put it inside a Frame, not a. Now that you’ve seen how to create internal frames and played around with them a bit, let’s tackle a. We want to build an application that can pop up internal frames that you. This starter application is a web-site manager that shows us a list of HTML pages.

We’ll keep the main list of HTML pages in one “site” frame that contains a simple list box. Once you have a site built up with a couple of pages, you can click on any entry in the list, and if. You can modify the text and then save the file using the File menu in the page frame. As a bonus, we’ll put those cut, copy, and paste icons to use as well.

You can manipulate text in any. The icons work as Action objects by looking at the selected text and. We’ll look at the Action class below. If the active frame is a. You could certainly add a lot of features to this application and make it a real working program, but. If you want to get really fancy, you could look. We’ll break the code for this application into three separate classes to make it more manageable for.

The first class handles the real application frame. The constructor handles all of the. It sets up the toolbar, as well as the cut, copy, and paste buttons.

It also uses. You could certainly. These classes handle all of the. Here we just need to make the internal. By keeping the popups vector around, we could. For now we just use it to help find the. The getCurrentFrame method runs through a list of all the frames currently open in the site. Yes, this is a bit inefficient, but we’re ignoring that for right.

Notice that we’re using a JToolBar object in our example. This is a great shortcut if you just want a. A JToolBar can contain almost. We don’t actually use buttons;. When you add an Action to the toolbar, the toolbar.

The cut and paste action classes work in a similar fashion. We won’t show them here. Next we need a way to create the site frames. We can set up a separate class that extends the. JInternalFrame class and contains the functionality appropriate to the site manager. Namely, we. We can create a frame that has a listbox as its primary component.

This won’t be a fancy manager,. The nice thing about internal frames, from the frame’s point of view, is. You can use the constructor to add all of the graphical. The only difference with internal frames is that they. You can upgrade existing popup Frame classes to these new. In the valueChanged method for the site frames, we handle the basic functions of the page list. Single-clicking on an entry in the list creates a new PageFrame object for that file.

If the file doesn’t. Note that very little error checking is. But you probably have already discovered that robust error checking just gets in the. Now you have the site frame going. The new page frame needs to be able open the file if it exists. The cut, copy, and paste buttons from our earlier example allow you.

Like the site frame, we’ll create a subclass of JInternalFrame for our page frame. We can use the. Here we need to add some load and save routines to the PageFrame class for the text areas.

All three of these routines are built to function regardless of the clipboard. You can get more information on the system clipboard in Java. Now you can start the program and bring up the individual HTML files by selecting them from the. Each file will have its own internal frame that you can move around, resize, iconify, maximize,.

You can cut, copy, and paste text between files. You can save edits using menus attached. You can even detach the toolbar and let it “float.

Well, now that we’ve had a bit of fun, it’s time to move on to the details. The next chapter plunges. Good luck, and have fun! The previous chapter showed you how easy it was to create some impressive-looking programs with. Swing components. Now it’s time to dig in a little deeper. We begin this chapter by presenting an. PropertyChangeEvent, two central event classes in Swing. Finally, we spend the remainder of the. Actions are a popular addition to Swing. An action allows a programmer to bundle a commonly.

For example, let’s say that a Swing programmer creates an action that saves data to disk. The application could then invoke this action from both the Save menu item of the File menu, and. Both components reference the same action object, which performs.

If the save function is disabled for some reason, this property can be set. The menu and toolbar objects are automatically notified that they can no. For example, a JMenu. The action is then paired with the newly-created GUI component in two ways:. Essentially, this means that if the menu item or button is selected by the user, the functionality.

PropertyChangeEvent to both the menu item and the toolbar, causing them to disable and turn. An action is defined by the interface it implements, which in this case is javax. For example, if you are. The Action interface defines five constants, which serve as keys for storing standardized Action. The method of storage varies from implementer to implementer, but a Hashtable is. These properties store information such as the name of the action, its description, and a.

Also, the Action interface defines a boolean property that indicates whether. Recall that the GUI component created for the action registers. Hence, if any of these properties are modified, the GUI. The enabled property defines whether anyone can invoke the action.

When this property changes,. Note that the keyed properties are not shown. These are really properties because changing one. However, because they do not use standard accessors, they do. Store various keyed properties for the action. A string-based key is used to index the values. Containers that accept actions. The AbstractAction class is an abstract implementation the Action interface.

If you do so, the only method for which. This method is where you. Here, we simply print out the action command that was sent with the ActionEvent. You can add. The AbstractAction class stores its keyed properties in a Hashtable object. Beyond that, the. AbstractAction object contains a single property, as shown in Table 3. The enabled property. AbstractAction fires a PropertyChangeEvent. The set accessor for this property, setEnabled. Notifies all registered listeners that a property change has occurred in the action.

It specifies. Notice that Swing is. In Swing 1. This example creates an Action for both a menu item and a toolbar, displaying both components. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the. For now, it is. The preceding example creates a toolbar with a single button and a menu with a single menu item. Both are generated from the SampleAction class, and are shown in Figure 3. Note that we used. Selecting the menu item or clicking on the toolbar button a few times both yield the same results to.

Now for something interesting. You can add the following line to the constructor to disable the. With this line, the PropertyChangeEvent propagates to listeners in the menu item and in the.

Figure 3. Of course, you can enable the menu item and toolbar button again at any time with the following. Swing actually uses two different change event classes.

The first is the standard. PropertyChangeEvent class. This class passes a reference to the object, sending the. The second,. ChangeEvent, is a lighter version that only passes a reference to the sending. Since the ChangeEvent class is not part of the Java Beans specifications, properties that use this event. In order to prevent confusion, properties that use a. ChangeEvent to notify listeners of property changes have not been marked as bound in our property.

Because the ChangeEvent only includes a reference to the event originator, which never changes,. ChangeListener interface. They can then register to receive ChangeEvent objects. JComponent is an abstract class that almost all Swing components extend; it provides much of the. Just as the. Component class serves as the guiding framework for most of the AWT components, the. JComponent class serves an identical role for the Swing components.

We should. Component , so it is accurate to say that Swing components carry with them a great deal. Because JComponent extends Container, many Swing components can serve as containers for. These components may be added using the traditional add. In addition, they can be positioned with any Java layout manager while. The terminology remains the same as well: components that are added to a.

Following the. Recall that Swing components are considered “lightweight. As we mentioned in. Chapter 1, lightweight components draw themselves using the standard features of the abstract. Graphics object, which not only decreases the amount of memory each component uses, but allows. It’s not out of the question to say that a potential benefit of using lightweight components is a. This is because the functionality necessary to implement lightweight.

Hence, there is a far greater chance that lightweight components will execute as. Because all Swing components extend Container, you should be careful that you don’t add to. Swing components that aren’t truly containers. The results can range from amusing to destructive.

Graphics2D class. Swing components carry with them several properties that can be accessed through JComponent,. Before we go any further, we should review those properties of. Container and java. Component that can be used to configure all Swing.

This discussion is relatively brief; if you need a more thorough explanation of these. Table 3. Let’s briefly discuss these properties. The background and foreground properties indicate which.

We should mention that with Swing the background. The read-only colorModel. The font property lets you get or set the font used for displaying. The indexed component property maintains a list of all the components inside the container. If you want to. Technically, this means that you can use any. Don’t be misled; if a component doesn’t seem like a reasonable conainer,. The locale property specifies the internationalization locale for the application. The location.

If you want to see the location of the component’s upper-left corner in screen. The name property gives this component a string-based name that components can display if they. The parent property references the container that is acting as this component’s parent, or. The size property tells the component’s current height and width in pixels.

The showing property indicates whether the component is currently showing on the screen, while. There’s an odd,. Most containers JPanel, JFrame, etc. So if you add a JButton to an invisible JFrame, for example, the button. It’s ready to be displayed, but happens to be in a container that isn’t. Here are some other methods you will frequently call when working with Swing components:.

Calling this method is especially. For example, show and setVisible true are essentially the same. It is. Now to the heart of the matter. JComponent has many properties of its own, and overrides or. This is where the new and. Swing component is responsible for maintaining two unique objects: a model and a UI delegate. The object representing the model handles the state information specific to the component, while.

Note that there is no property for a model in JComponent. You typically access the model property. This is because each Swing component defines its own data. The UI delegate property, on the other hand, can be. JComponent contains a reference to the current UI delegate for the object. JComponent allows a. Invoking setUI by. A call to updateUI is also required, which forces the. If you are looking to change the entire look-and-feel of the application,.

See Chapter 2 for a simple example of how to work with various. See Chapter 26, for more information about the UIManager and. For example, if an internal frame is dragged across the. However, only the parts of the container uncovered by the internal frame need to be repainted. Swing uses a repaint manager to repaint lightweight components. The repaint manager maintains a. The repaint manager. Recall that in AWT, the Component.

JComponent contains two repaint methods that each add specified rectangles directly to the. Like AWT, you want call upon these methods instead of invoking the paint method. As you might guess, JComponent must delegate. The responsibility,. JComponent is actually responsible for painting three items: the. The order is intentional. Swing assumes that the components drawn last are always on top; hence,.

JComponent contains three protected methods. Because of the complexity involved in painting and repainting Swing components, you should.

Again, do not try. The boolean property opaque dictates the transparency of each Swing object. If the. Native peer objects in Java 1. The label. JComponent can optimize its repainting time if none of its children overlap; this is because the. Some containers, such as JSplitPane, are designed so that overlap between. Other containers, such as. In JComponent, the property is set to true by default.

If overlap. The isPaintingTile method will return true until all tiles have. The visibleRect property is a Rectangle that indicates the intersection of the component’s visible.

Why the intersection? Remember that. For example, you can move an internal. Therefore, the visible. You typically will not need to access this. The validateRoot property is false by default. If it is set to true, it designates this component as. Recall that each time a component in a container is.

This causes an. Currently, the only components that set this. The topLevelAncestor property contains a reference to the top-level window that contains this. This property is false by default. If the property.

If the mouse is dragged outside the component, the. Autoscrolling is typically used in. You can set and retrieve a Swing component’s current position and size on the screen through the. The size property is a Dimension that specifies.

The bounds property is a Rectangle object that. If a Rectangle is supplied, the getBounds method alters each of the fields in the passed-in. Rectangle to reflect the component’s current size and position, returning a copy of it. You can use the former approach to conserve memory if there are several calls to.

Rectangle object. If the new settings are a change from the previous settings, the component is. If the component has a parent, it is invalidated as well. Invalidating a component with a call to setBounds may force the layout manager to. Here is a short example that shows how to retrieve the current position and size of any Swing.

There is a shorthand approach for retrieving each of the bounds properties. JComponent contains. You can. In addition, if it is just the size or location you are concerned with, you can use the getSize and.

The size is specified as a. If one is passed in,. Again, note that when resetting the size of the component, the. If none of these properties are set by. An important new feature of JComponent is the addition of. A number closer to indicates that the component should be positioned closer.

A perfect 0. Currently, the only layout managers that use these properties are the BoxLayout. One widely requested feature of AWT is the ability to provide components with borders. Swing has. Swing currently provides seven different styles of borders, including an empty border.

Each one. Border interface. In addition, you can surround a Swing. This class allows. Because CompoundBorder accepts other compound borders, you can recursively. Using borders is extremely easy. For example, one of the border styles that is provided with Swing. Here is how you might create a bevel border similar to the one in Figure 3.

One important characteristic of Swing is that if a border property is set on a component, the border. Swing allows the programmer to specify an empty. If the border property is null, the default insets are used for the component.

JComponent also provides Swing components with support for tooltips. Tooltips are small windows. They are typically used. Swing Features 1. Pluggable Look-and-Feels 1. Lightweight Components 1. Additional Features 1. How Can I Use Swing? Swing Packages and Classes 1. Class Hierarchy 1. The Model-View-Controller Architecture 1. MVC Interaction 1. MVC in Swing 1. Working with Swing 1. Multithreading 1. The Swing Set Demo 1. Reading This Book 2.

Jump-Starting a Swing Application 2. Including Your First Swing Component 2. Beyond Buttons 2. What Is an Internal Frame? A Bigger Application 3. Swing Component Basics 3. Understanding Actions 3. Actions and Containers 3. The Action Interface 3. Property 3. Methods 3. Events 3. The AbstractAction Class 3. Properties 3. Constructors 3. Using an Action 3.

Graphical Interface Events 3. Graphics Environments 3. Headless Modes 3. Sending Change Events in Swing 3. The ChangeEvent Class 3. Constructor 3. The ChangeListener Interface 3.

Method 3. The JComponent Class 3. Inherited Properties 3. Common Methods 3. JComponent Properties 3. New properties in the 1.

Invalidating and Repainting 3. The paint method and opaqueness 3. Position, Size, and Alignment 3. Adding Borders 3. Working with Tooltips 3. Client Properties 3. Double Buffering 3.

Serialization 3. The DebugGraphics Class 3. Focus and Focus Cycle Methods 3. Keyboard Events 3. Accessibility 3. Event methods 3. Graphics Methods 3. Focus Methods 3. Tooltip Methods 3. Client Properties Methods 3.

Miscellaneous Methods 3. Responding to Keyboard Input 3. The InputMap Class 3. The ActionMap Class 3. Methods 4. Labels and Icons 4. Labels 4. Properties 4. Alignment 4. Working with Images 4. Events 4. Constant 4. Constructors 4. Public Method 4. Support for HTML 4. Icons 4. Method 4. Implementing Your Own Icons 4. Dynamic Icons 4. The ImageIcon Class 4. Serialization 4. User Interface Method 5. Buttons 5.

The ButtonModel Interface 5. Properties 5. Events 5. The DefaultButtonModel Class 5. Constants 5. Constructor 5. The AbstractButton Class 5. Public Methods 5. Action Configuration Methods 5. The JButton Class 5. Using the Default Button 5. Constructors 5. Using Actions 5. Fancy Buttons 5. The JToggleButton Class 5. The JToggleButton. ToggleButtonModel Class 5. The JCheckBox Class 5.

Constant 5. The JRadioButton Class 5. The ButtonGroup Class 5. Voting with a Button Group 5. Methods 6. Bounded-Range Components 6. The Bounded-Range Model 6. Properties 6. Events 6. Method 6. Constructors 6. Working with the bounded-range model 6. The JScrollBar Class 6. Miscellaneous 6. Handling Events from a Scrollbar 6. The JSlider Class 6. Client properties 6. Labels 6. Creating a Slider 6. The JProgressBar Class 6. Working with Progress Bars 6. Monitoring Progress 6.

The ProgressMonitor Class 6. UIManager properties 6. Constructor 6. Using a progress monitor 6. The ProgressMonitorInputStream 6. Property 6. InputStream methods 6. Using a ProgressMonitorInputStream 7. Lists, Combo Boxes, and Spinners 7. Lists 7. Anatomy of a Swing List 7. Where to Go from Here? Representing List Data 7. The ListModel Interface 7.

Properties 7. Events 7. The AbstractListModel Class 7. Methods 7. The DefaultListModel Class 7. Constructor 7. A JList with changing contents 7. ListDataEvent 7. Constants 7. Method 7. The ListDataListener Interface 7. Handling Selections 7. The ListSelectionModel Interface 7. Working with the ListSelectionModel 7. ListSelectionEvent 7. ListSelectionListener 7. Listening for ListSelectionEvents 7. Displaying Cell Elements 7. The ListCellRenderer Interface 7.

Implementing a Cell Renderer 7. The JList Class 7. Constructors 7. Miscellaneous 7. Selection Model 7. Scrolling 7. Data Model 7. User Interface 7. The Java Books Example 7. Combo Boxes 7. The ComboBoxModel Interface 7. Property 7. Event 7. ComboBoxEditor 7. Implementing a Custom Editor 7. The JComboBox Class 7. The Key Selection Manager 7. List methods 7. Key selection 7. Internal methods 7. Java Books Revisited 7. Spinners 7. Editing Methods 7.

Simple Spinners 7. Spinner Models 7. The SpinnerModel Interface 7. The AbstractSpinnerModel Class 7. The SpinnerDateModel 7. The SpinnerListModel Class 7. The SpinnerNumberModel Class 7. A Custom Model: Rollover Lists 7.

Spinner Editors 7. DefaultEditor 7. Editing methods 7. DateEditor 7. ListEditor 7. NumberEditor 7. A Custom Editor 8. Swing Containers 8. A Simple Container 8. The JPanel Class 8. Properties 8. Constructors 8. Opacity 8. The Root Pane 8. The JRootPane Class 8. The Glass Pane 8. Avoiding Unnecessary Layers 8. Revalidate 8.

Constructor 8. The RootPaneContainer Interface 8. The JLayeredPane Class 8. Constants 8. Adding Components to Layers 8. Layer management methods 8. Static methods 8. Basic RootPaneContainers 8. The WindowConstants Interface 8. The JFrame Class 8. Protected Methods 8. Exiting Frames 8. The JWindow Class 8.

The JApplet Class 8. Hiding the Warning Message 8. Threading Issues 8. User Interface Method 9. Internal Frames 9. Simulating a Desktop 9. Overview 9. The JInternalFrame Class 9. Properties 9. Events 9. Constants 9. Constructors 9. JLayeredPane Methods 9. Miscellaneous Public Methods 9. Use of the Glass Pane 9. The JInternalFrame. JDesktopIcon Class 9. The InternalFrameEvent Class 9.

The InternalFrameListener Interface 9. Methods 9. The InternalFrameAdapter Class 9. The JDesktopPane Class 9. Constructor 9. The DesktopManager Interface 9. The DefaultDesktopManager Class 9. Protected methods 9. Building a Desktop 9. Setting Things Up 9. Adding Frames to the Desktop 9. Veto Power 9. Bounding the frames 9. Moving Things Around 9. Source Code Swing Dialogs The JDialog Class Properties Constructors Public Methods The JOptionPane Class JOptionPane Structure Using JOptionPane Events Constants Four Dialog Types Static Dialog Display Methods Dialog Creation Method Parameters Simple Examples Getting the Results Nonstatic Methods Miscellaneous Static Methods Specialty Panes and Layout Managers The JSplitPane Class Control Methods Minimum and Preferred Sizes The JScrollPane Class Pane Component Methods Headers and Corners The Scrollable Interface Increment methods Viewport dimension methods The JScrollPane.

ScrollBar class The ScrollPaneLayout Class JViewport Constructor Useful methods The ViewportLayout Class The JTabbedPane Class Tab Methods Miscellaneous Methods Layout Managers The Box Class Creation method Spacing and resizing methods The Box. Filler Class Shape method The BoxLayout Class Box alignments The OverlayLayout Class An OverlayLayout Example The SizeRequirements Class Fields Methods The SpringLayout Class Springs and Struts Constraint Methods The SpringLayout.

Constraints Inner Class The Spring Class Constant Creating springs Manipulation methods Other operations Arranging Components Custom Springs Other Panes Chooser Dialogs The JFileChooser Class File Chooser Accessories FileFilter Methods File and Directory Methods Dialog Methods The File Chooser Package The FileFilter Class Filter methods The FileView Class The FileSystemView Class Class instantiation method File and folder methods The Color Chooser Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses.

Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art. Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Books to Borrow Open Library. Search the Wayback Machine Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. Sign up for free Log in. EMBED for wordpress.

Tree Terminology Tree Models The TreeModel Interface Miscellaneous methods The DefaultTreeModel Class Working with Tree Models The JTree Class Selection Methods Expansion Methods Path and Row Methods Editing Methods JTree Inner Classes Tree Nodes and Paths The TreeNode Interface Child access methods The MutableTreeNode Interface Mutation methods Structure methods Enumeration methods The TreePath Class Tree Selections The RowMapper Interface The TreeSelectionModel Interface Selection methods Tree Events The TreeModelEvent Class The TreeModelListener Interface The TreeSelectionEvent Class The TreeSelectionListener Interface The TreeExpansionEvent Class The TreeExpansionListener Interface Pending Expansion Events The TreeWillExpandListener interface The ExpandVetoException class Rendering and Editing Rendering Nodes But I just want to change the icons!

Custom Renderers The TreeCellRenderer Interface Editing Nodes The TreeCellEditor Interface CellEditor and TreeCellEditor methods Look-and-Feel Helper Classes What Next? Undo The Swing Undo Facility The UndoableEdit Interface Edit-merging methods Other methods The AbstractUndoableEdit Class UndoableEdit methods Creating a toggle edit The CompoundEdit Class Protected field Using Compound Edits The UndoableEditEvent Class The UndoableEditListener Interface The UndoManager Class A Codeless Example UndoableEditListener Method UndoableEdit Methods Protected Methods Using an Undo Manager Understanding the UndoManager The StateEditable Interface The StateEdit Class State optimization Protected fields New public method Protected methods StateEdit example The UndoableEditSupport Class Nested edit support Using Undoable Edit Support The CannotRedoException Class The CannotUndoException Class Extending UndoManager Text The Swing Text Components The JTextComponent Class Clipboard Methods View Methods Working with Keymaps Other Methods The JTextField Class A Simple Form Understanding JTextField Sizing Restricting input The JPasswordField Class Data Protection Methods The JTextArea Class Text Manipulation Methods Line Transformation Methods Understanding JTextArea Layout How It All Works Formatted Text Fields Public Method Handling Numerics The JFormattedTextField.

AbstractFormatter Class Public methods The DefaultFormatter Class Example The MaskFormatter Class The InternationalFormatter Class The DateFormatter Class The NumberFormatter Class AbstractFormatterFactory Class Public method The DefaultFormatterFactory Class Formatting with Regular Expressions The InputVerifier Class Carets, Highlighters, and Keymaps Carets The Caret Interface The DefaultCaret Class Caret methods FocusListener methods Mouse methods Custom Carets The CaretListener Interface The CaretEvent Class Highlighters The Highlighter.

HighlightPainter Interface A Custom HighlightPainter Highlight Interface The Highlighter Interface Adding Multiple Highlights The LayeredHighlighter Class The DefaultHighlighter Class Static field The DefaultHighlighter. DefaultHighlightPainter Class Keymaps The Keymap Interface Keymap Implementation Adding Keyboard Actions Styled Text Panes The JTextPane Class Attribute and Style Methods Named Style Methods AttributeSets and Styles The AttributeSet Interface Inner interfaces The MutableAttributeSet Interface The Style Interface The SimpleAttributeSet Class Query methods The StyleConstants Class Attribute key constants and utility methods Character attribute keys Paragraph attribute keys Other attribute keys Attribute value constants StyleConstants inner classes The StyleContext Class Static default accessor method AttributeContext methods Font and color accessor methods Style management methods Serialization methods A Stylized Editor The TabStop Class Alignment constants Leader constants The TabSet Class The Document Model The Element Interface Element lookup method The Document Interface Text manipulation methods The AbstractDocument Class Locking methods Other public methods The PlainDocument Class Restriction example The StyledDocument Interface Style application methods StyleContext delegation methods The DefaultStyledDocument Class Content style methods StyledDocument example Document Events The DocumentListener Interface The DocumentEvent Interface Element tree details The DocumentEvent.

EventType Class ElementChange Interface The ElementIterator Class The Segment Class The AbstractDocument. Content Interface The StringContent Class The GapContent Class Content methods Undo Event Example The BadLocationException Class The Position Interface The Position. Bias Class Views The ViewFactory Interface The View Class Float coordinates Shape versus Rectangle Span and allocation Axis Bias Abstract methods Translation methods Break methods Tree management methods Layout methods Update methods The View Classes The TabExpander Interface The TabableView Interface The Utilities Class Public static methods The DocumentFilter Class FilterBypass methods The NavigationFilter Class Editor Panes and Editor Kits The JEditorPane Class EditorKit Methods Overview of the Editor Kits The EditorKit Class The TextAction Class Static method The DefaultEditorKit Class Using actions Useful Actions A Simple Text Editor The StyledEditorKit Class EditorKit methods The StyledEditorKit.

StyledTextAction Class FontFamilyAction class FontSizeAction class ForegroundAction class AlignmentAction class BoldAction class ItalicAction class UnderlineAction class A Better Editor Saving styled documents A Quick Browser Example Hyperlink Events The HyperlinkListener Interface The HyperlinkEvent Class Inner classes Inner Classes Editor Kit Methods Public content methods The StyleSheet Class Editing HTML Hyperlink Actions Inserting Images Saving as HTML Writing HTML The AbstractWriter Class Output-generating methods Formatting methods Writing method Public writing method Reading HTML Document Parsers A Custom EditorKit Create the EditorKit Class Define the Document Type Define New Actions Create Custom View Classes Drag and Drop What Is Drag and Drop?

DnD and SDK 1. Programming with DnD The Drop API The DropTarget Class The DnDConstants Class The DropTargetContext Class The DropTargetListener Interface The DropTargetAdapter Class The DropTargetEvent Class Drag methods Transfer data method Drop methods Drop Example Transferable Contents The TransferHandler Class The DragGestureRecognizer Class Trigger event list methods Listener methods The Drag Gesture Events and Listeners Event list methods Drag initiation methods A Simple Gesture The Drag API The DragSource Class Helper creation methods Start methods The DragSourceContext Class Protected constants The DragSourceListener Interface Event method The DragSourceAdapter Class Drag Source Events Completing the Gesture Rearranging Trees A TransferHandler Example A Rearranging Example Finishing Touches Dynamic Cursors Changing the Drop Action Autoscrolling The Autoscroll Interface The DropTarget.

DropTargetAutoScroller Class Programming with Accessibility How Accessibility Works Evolving Accessibility Support Version 1. The Accessibility Contract How Do I Get It? Swing AWT The Accessibility Package The Path to Determining Accessibility Likewise, the view. For example, the. The view passes these events on to the controller, which decides how to handle them.

Based on the controller’s decisions, the values in the model may need to be altered. If the user. At that point, the whole cycle can repeat. The three elements, therefore, communicate their. Swing actually makes use of a simplified variant of the MVC design called the model-delegate.

This design combines the view and the controller object into a single element that draws the. As you might expect, the communication between the model and the UI delegate. With Swing , the view and the controller are combined into a UI-delegate. So let’s review: each Swing component contains a model and a UI delegate. The model is. The UI delegate is responsible. In addition, the UI.

One unique aspect of the MVC architecture is the ability to tie multiple views to a. For example, if you want to display the same data in a pie chart and in a table, you.

That way, if the data needs to be. In the same manner, separating the delegate from the model. By using this approach, in conjunction with the lightweight design, Swing can provide. By now, you should have a solid understanding of how MVC works. However, we won’t yet spoil. Chapter 2, and Chapter 3, go into further detail on how you can use MVC to.

Our introduction to Swing wouldn’t be complete unless we briefly mentioned some caveats of the. Being aware of these issues will help you make informed decisions. Chapter 28, gives you in-depth guidance in these difficult areas. Shortly before the initial release of Swing , Java Soft posted an article recommending that developers. It handles the posting of GUI events,. The issue here is an artifact of the MVC architecture and deals with performance and potential raceconditions.

As we mentioned above, a Swing component draws itself based on the state values in its. However, if the state values change while the component is in the process of repainting, the.

To compound matters, placing a lock on. This ensures that modifications in. Because of z-order, it is not advisable to mix lightweight and heavyweight components in. To see why, remember that heavyweight components depend on peer objects used at the operating.

However, with Swing only the top-level components are heavyweight: JApplet,. Also, recall that heavyweight components are always “opaque”—. This is because the host operating system. The remaining components are lightweight.

So here is the crux of the dilemma: when a lightweight. In addition, lightweight components are bound to the clipping. In effect, lightweight components are. Heavyweight components,. Therefore, they always appear on top of the lightweight.

Heavyweight components have other ramifications in Swing as well. Heavyweight components do. Some Swing classes, however, offer an interesting approach to this problem. Hence, with a bit of judicious programming, you can keep your components. If you’re in a hurry to see all the components that Swing has to offer, be sure to check out the Swing.

Set demonstration provided with the standalone Swing distribution. The demonstration is extremely. Assuming you’re using JDK 1. If you are using JDK 1. You should immediately see a progress bar. When it finishes, a window appears, similar to the. This demo contains a series of tabs that demonstrate almost all of the components in the Swing.

Be sure to check out the internal frames demo and the new Metal look-and-feel. We’re well aware that most readers don’t read the Preface. You have our permission to skip it,. That section is particularly important because in. As we. This means that much of an object’s behavior is. We found the idea of properties very powerful in helping us understand Swing.

Therefore, rather. This approach certainly saves paper you didn’t really want a Furthermore, if you’re not already in the habit of thinking in terms of the Java Beans.

It’s a very useful and powerful tool for understanding. The conventions we use in the property tables — plus some other conventions that we use in class.

So we’ll let you ignore the rest of the Preface, as long as. The next chapter will help you get a jumpstart on Swing by presenting some simple applications. In Chapter 3, we continue our discussion.

Don’t stop. Now that you have an overview of Swing , let’s look at a few quick Swing components you can put. This chapter will show you how to add images to buttons, and then.

We won’t belabor the theory. You’ll find everything we talk about now and tons more we don’t discuss here. We just want to show you some of the fun stuff. One of the benefits of object-oriented languages is that you can upgrade pieces of a program.

While practice is never as simple as theory, with Swing it’s close. You can use most of the Swing components as drop-in replacements for AWT components with. The components sport many fancy new features worth exploiting, but they still maintain the. As a general rule, you can stick a “J” in. Some Swing containers,. One of the first steps a programmer takes when building a modern user interface for commercial or.

Nice monitors and cheap hardware have made icons almost. The AWT package in Java does not directly support image buttons, but they are fairly.

However, none of the extensions you. The JButton class. Undoubtedly, you have some programs lying around that use regular AWT buttons that you’d love. Let’s look at a simple application that demonstrates an upgrade path you. To close the window on cue, we use a simple extension to the WindowAdapter class. This is a fairly. These buttons don’t really do anything except report being pressed. A standard 1. It’s not exciting, but it will let us.

The first step in adding a Swing component to your application is getting the Swing package ready. If you’re preparing an application to run with JDK 1. If you’re using JDK 1. In your source code, you’ll first need to include that new Swing package in your import statements. Now you’re ready to replace your Button objects with JButton objects. We’ll also set up the. JButton, and add three more JButtons for look-and-feel selection. We update the application’s. Apart from figuring out which button was pressed, we must also force the.

That’s pretty simple. The first step is setting the new look-and-feel using. That’s the method that needs the correct name for the. When we run the new version of the application, we still get ActionEvent objects from pressing. Okay, big deal. Now we have buttons that work just like before and don’t look particularly great. So what? Well, for. The swingall. If you punch the “Metal,” “Motif,” or “Windows” button on this.

Figure 2. Now we’ve got a bunch of JButtons. You can change them easily, too. Changing Panel to JPanel is as. Updating Frame is a little.

Once you’ve replaced Frame with JFrame, you must also look at the calls to add. A JFrame has something in it called a “content pane”; when we add. With these changes, the JFrame and JPanel will also change their appearance when you change the. It may not be noticeable. But you’ll also get the other new features that. Swing gives you. We’ll stick with the old Frame and Panel for now, but we’ll use JFrame and. This is all very nice, but it’s still not what we came for. We weren’t interested in making minor.

So let’s get to those images! First, we need to create what the Swing components refer to as an Icon. You can get the details on. We’ll start out by adding an image to the text we’re currently displaying in each.

Here’s the code to add images to each of our. That creates buttons with little icons to the left of the text. Any look-and-feel can display the. Adding the icons hasn’t changed anything. In particular, our action event handlers are exactly the. That’s not a problem, since. What happens if we throw that text out? How can we tell which. Doesn’t do much. Normally, you would need to distinguish between the various buttons or other. Since we implement the ActionListener interface directly.

For example, we could differentiate the cut, copy, and paste buttons like. Instead, you can use the actionCommand property of. The JButton class also implements. Now, this is not the only or even best way to handle events from our buttons, but it’s a slightly more. Later, we’ll be looking at the new Action interface to.

For now, this code is. The buttons in this toolbar all carry images. Here’s the new event handler for this simple application. Notice that we set up some constants for. We can now use these constants in the setActionCommand.

Buttons are very useful, but even with great images forming the buttons, they still lack a certain. For the next example, let’s take a look at something a bit. Well, exciting might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it definitely has more impact. The Swing package contains a new class called JInternalFrame , which allows you. For this first example, we’ll add an empty internal frame to an application. Once that’s working,. One of the prerequisites for using internal frames is that you need a window capable of managing.

The swing package provides the JDesktopPane class for this purpose. You’ll see the details. With the desktop in place, you can create a new internal frame and show it. The JInternalFrame. The desktop. You supply the internal frame and the “layer”. Layers are Integer objects. The values determine the order of your layers. For example, frames in layer 2 will always show on top of frames.

But you do need to remember to give. The internal frames have default preferred and minimum. You can switch the appearance of the frames, just like you did with the. You can even iconify these frames. They turn into an “iconified box” appropriate for the current. Here’s the complete application with an open button and an internal frame.

When you click the. You can use the button in the upper right corner of the frame. You can use the. The internal frame examples use the same look-and-feel listener and basic window monitor as the. This is the first example in Section 2. You’ll notice some nasty. That’s because we put it inside a Frame, not a. Now that you’ve seen how to create internal frames and played around with them a bit, let’s tackle a.

We want to build an application that can pop up internal frames that you. This starter application is a web-site manager that shows us a list of HTML pages. We’ll keep the main list of HTML pages in one “site” frame that contains a simple list box. Once you have a site built up with a couple of pages, you can click on any entry in the list, and if.

You can modify the text and then save the file using the File menu in the page frame. As a bonus, we’ll put those cut, copy, and paste icons to use as well. You can manipulate text in any.

The icons work as Action objects by looking at the selected text and. We’ll look at the Action class below. If the active frame is a. You could certainly add a lot of features to this application and make it a real working program, but.

If you want to get really fancy, you could look. We’ll break the code for this application into three separate classes to make it more manageable for. The first class handles the real application frame.

The constructor handles all of the. It sets up the toolbar, as well as the cut, copy, and paste buttons. It also uses. You could certainly. These classes handle all of the. Here we just need to make the internal. By keeping the popups vector around, we could. For now we just use it to help find the.

The getCurrentFrame method runs through a list of all the frames currently open in the site. Yes, this is a bit inefficient, but we’re ignoring that for right. Notice that we’re using a JToolBar object in our example. This is a great shortcut if you just want a.

A JToolBar can contain almost. We don’t actually use buttons;. When you add an Action to the toolbar, the toolbar. The cut and paste action classes work in a similar fashion. We won’t show them here. Next we need a way to create the site frames. We can set up a separate class that extends the. JInternalFrame class and contains the functionality appropriate to the site manager. Namely, we. We can create a frame that has a listbox as its primary component. This won’t be a fancy manager,. The nice thing about internal frames, from the frame’s point of view, is.

You can use the constructor to add all of the graphical. The only difference with internal frames is that they. You can upgrade existing popup Frame classes to these new.

In the valueChanged method for the site frames, we handle the basic functions of the page list. Single-clicking on an entry in the list creates a new PageFrame object for that file.

If the file doesn’t. Note that very little error checking is. But you probably have already discovered that robust error checking just gets in the. Now you have the site frame going. The new page frame needs to be able open the file if it exists.

The cut, copy, and paste buttons from our earlier example allow you. Like the site frame, we’ll create a subclass of JInternalFrame for our page frame. We can use the. Here we need to add some load and save routines to the PageFrame class for the text areas. All three of these routines are built to function regardless of the clipboard.

You can get more information on the system clipboard in Java. Now you can start the program and bring up the individual HTML files by selecting them from the. Each file will have its own internal frame that you can move around, resize, iconify, maximize,. You can cut, copy, and paste text between files.

You can save edits using menus attached. You can even detach the toolbar and let it “float. Well, now that we’ve had a bit of fun, it’s time to move on to the details. The next chapter plunges. Good luck, and have fun! The previous chapter showed you how easy it was to create some impressive-looking programs with. Swing components. Now it’s time to dig in a little deeper. We begin this chapter by presenting an. PropertyChangeEvent, two central event classes in Swing. Finally, we spend the remainder of the.

Actions are a popular addition to Swing. An action allows a programmer to bundle a commonly. For example, let’s say that a Swing programmer creates an action that saves data to disk. The application could then invoke this action from both the Save menu item of the File menu, and. Both components reference the same action object, which performs. If the save function is disabled for some reason, this property can be set.

The menu and toolbar objects are automatically notified that they can no. For example, a JMenu. The action is then paired with the newly-created GUI component in two ways:. Essentially, this means that if the menu item or button is selected by the user, the functionality. PropertyChangeEvent to both the menu item and the toolbar, causing them to disable and turn.

An action is defined by the interface it implements, which in this case is javax. For example, if you are. The Action interface defines five constants, which serve as keys for storing standardized Action. The method of storage varies from implementer to implementer, but a Hashtable is. These properties store information such as the name of the action, its description, and a. Also, the Action interface defines a boolean property that indicates whether.

Recall that the GUI component created for the action registers. Hence, if any of these properties are modified, the GUI. The enabled property defines whether anyone can invoke the action. When this property changes,. Note that the keyed properties are not shown. These are really properties because changing one.

However, because they do not use standard accessors, they do. Store various keyed properties for the action. A string-based key is used to index the values. Containers that accept actions. The AbstractAction class is an abstract implementation the Action interface. If you do so, the only method for which. This method is where you. Here, we simply print out the action command that was sent with the ActionEvent.

You can add. The AbstractAction class stores its keyed properties in a Hashtable object. Beyond that, the. AbstractAction object contains a single property, as shown in Table 3. The enabled property. AbstractAction fires a PropertyChangeEvent. The set accessor for this property, setEnabled.

Notifies all registered listeners that a property change has occurred in the action. It specifies. Notice that Swing is. In Swing 1. This example creates an Action for both a menu item and a toolbar, displaying both components. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the. For now, it is. The preceding example creates a toolbar with a single button and a menu with a single menu item. Both are generated from the SampleAction class, and are shown in Figure 3. Note that we used. Selecting the menu item or clicking on the toolbar button a few times both yield the same results to.

Now for something interesting. You can add the following line to the constructor to disable the. With this line, the PropertyChangeEvent propagates to listeners in the menu item and in the. Figure 3. Of course, you can enable the menu item and toolbar button again at any time with the following. Swing actually uses two different change event classes.

The first is the standard. PropertyChangeEvent class. This class passes a reference to the object, sending the. The second,. ChangeEvent, is a lighter version that only passes a reference to the sending. Since the ChangeEvent class is not part of the Java Beans specifications, properties that use this event. In order to prevent confusion, properties that use a. ChangeEvent to notify listeners of property changes have not been marked as bound in our property. Because the ChangeEvent only includes a reference to the event originator, which never changes,.

ChangeListener interface. They can then register to receive ChangeEvent objects. JComponent is an abstract class that almost all Swing components extend; it provides much of the. Just as the. Component class serves as the guiding framework for most of the AWT components, the. JComponent class serves an identical role for the Swing components. We should.

Component , so it is accurate to say that Swing components carry with them a great deal. Because JComponent extends Container, many Swing components can serve as containers for. These components may be added using the traditional add. In addition, they can be positioned with any Java layout manager while. The terminology remains the same as well: components that are added to a.

Following the. Recall that Swing components are considered “lightweight. As we mentioned in. Chapter 1, lightweight components draw themselves using the standard features of the abstract. Graphics object, which not only decreases the amount of memory each component uses, but allows. It’s not out of the question to say that a potential benefit of using lightweight components is a.

Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses.

Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art. Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Books to Borrow Open Library.

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