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From your description I understand the issue might due to the incompatible drivers. Try to download the latest compatible drivers on your PC and use any external Storage device to transfer and install them on your Laptop. Compatibility mode runs the program using settings from a previous version of Windows. Follow these steps to install the drivers in compatibility mode and check if that helps. Once this is done, restart the computer and check if the issue persists. Let us know if problem still persist, we’re glad to assist you.
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Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. James StevanBrown. It worked perfectly for the last year. I have now upgraded?! Luckily my PC, on which I am writing this, is still working, but obviously I cannot now use the laptop to download new driver software. How do I resolve this problem please? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
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Asus wireless driver windows 10
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