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Visio – Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs.January 7, , update for Visio Viewer (KB)

Find out which products will retire, reach end of support or move from mainstream support to extended support in Explore hundreds of diagram examples and flowchart templates for Visio. Open or download them here, or go directly into Visio and find them there.
Microsoft visio 2016 end of life free
Find out which products will retire, reach end of support or move from mainstream support to extended support in Explore hundreds of diagram examples and flowchart templates for Visio. Open or download them here, or go directly into Visio and find them there.
Microsoft visio 2016 end of life free.Visio 2019
To continue viewing Office files for free, we recommend installing the Office apps or storing documents Visio Viewer is also known as Visio Viewer. Keep up to date on the end-of-support dates and plans for specific versions of Microsoft products. Keep up to date on the end-of-support dates and plans for specific versions of Microsoft products.
Featured Visio templates and diagrams
Feb 22, · The following products will be moving from Mainstream to Extended Support in Extended Support includes security updates at no cost, and paid non-security updates and support. Additionally, Microsoft will not accept requests for design changes or new features during the Extended Support phase. Product. 18 hours ago · June 14, Microsoft is finally drawing curtains on Internet Explorer, one of its most popular search engine browsers, after being in service for twenty-seven (27) years. The web browser is officially set to retire on June 15, Released in , Internet Explorer was announced first as part of the add-on package for Windows 95 that year. Oct 04, · Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software. Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites.