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Announcing .NET – .NET Blog.Microsoft Word Not Responding? 8 Ways To Fix It

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Another possible error is this: General failure. The system cannot find the file specified. If this is the problem you have run into, this article will help you quickly resolve the issue.
You will also learn why hyperlinks do not work properly in your Outlook so that you won’t stumble twice on the same stone. The main reason of hyperlinks not working in Outlook is the default Internet browser not registered properly in your operating system. Typically, this issue comes up after uninstalling Google Chrome or changing the default browser from Internet Explorer to either Chrome or Firefox.
And naturally, that option is not very noticeable, so anyone can easily overlook it during installation. An evident example of such programs is Adobe Flash Player that may install Chrome both during the first installation and updates, so be sure to uncheck that option on the next update to avoid the problem with hyperlinks in your Outlook.
Well, this is the most typical cause, though Outlook links may stop working in some other scenarios and even without any obvious reason at all. Okay, know that you know the cause and consequences, let’s see how you can get the problem resolved. We will start with the easiest troubleshooting steps that take the least time and effort, so it makes sense to follow the below methods in order and after trying each solution check whether you can open links in Outlook again.
These solutions work for all versions of Microsoft Outlook , , , , and Luckily for us, Microsoft guys are aware of the “hyperlinks in Outlook not working” issue and they’ve already worked out a fix.
So, the first thing you should try is download and run Microsoft’s Fix It tool for your version of Windows. And even if you are “I will make it myself! Firstly, because it’s a faster way, secondly, because it is much safer and thirdly, if something goes wrong, you know with certainty who to blame :. So, give it a shot and if the fix has worked for you, congratulate yourself and you can close this page.
If you are still unable to open links in Outlook, then please keep reading and try the other methods. Restart Outlook and check whether hyperlinks are working. If they fail to open again, proceed to the next method. If links stopped working in your Outlook after you had uninstalled Google Chrome or Firefox while it was set as your default browser , try setting IE as default before uninstalling another browser to prevent the problem.
Here is what you do:. If hyperlinks in your Outlook do not work any longer after you’ve uninstalled Chrome, Firefox or any other application e. Please be very careful when making changes in the system registry.
If you are working in a corporate environment, it might be a good idea to ask your system administrator or IT person for assistance. Anyway, before modifying the registry, be sure to create a system restore point and backup your registry completely, just to be on the safe side. The following step-by-step instructions by Microsoft may be very helpful indeed:. Now that you have taken the necessary precautions, you are ready to proceed to making the changes.
The alternative way to make the same registry changes is to click the Start button and type the below command directly in the search line on Win 7 or Win 8. After making the above registry changes, make sure that Internet Explorer is set as your default browser.
Okay, now that I’ve given a word of caution and you heard it hopefully : , head over to another computer where Outlook links work just fine and do the following:. Alternatively, on Windows 7 or Windows 8 you can switch to the File menu, and click Export In earlier operating systems, the Export option may reside on the Registry menu. This step is probably the easiest one we’ve performed today. Simply copy the exported registry key to the desktop or any folder on the affected computer, and then double-click the.
We’ve done this operations several times today, so I believe by now you are able to do this standing on your head :. If the Default value of this registry key is other than htmlfile , modify it in the same way as we discussed in Editing the registry manually.
Well, you have spent quite a lot of time troubleshooting this issue and hopefully now hyperlinks in your Outlook work again without a problem. This improved the usability and performance of graphic elements like text boxes, document styles, footer and header styles. Since WordPerfect has been enriched with properties from the CorelDraw Graphics suite, graphic styles are editable. The Graphics Styles editor enables customizing the appearance of boxes, borders, lines and fills and store the customized design for reuse.
The possibilities include patterns and color gradients for fills; corner, endpoint, pen-type and thickness for lines. Box styles can be used as container style, including a border, lines, fill, text and caption; each with its separate style.
A text box style shows that WordPerfect cascades its styles. Present since the earliest versions of WordPerfect, the Reveal Codes feature distinguishes it from other word processors; Microsoft Word’s equivalent is much less powerful.
The codes for formatting and locating text are displayed, interspersed with tags and the occasional objects, with the tags and objects represented by named tokens. This provides a more detailed view to troubleshoot problems than with styles-based word processors, and object tokens can be clicked with a pointing device to directly open the configuration editor for the particular object type, e.
WordPerfect had this feature already in its DOS incarnations. WordPerfect for DOS stood out for its macros , in which sequences of keystrokes, including function codes, were recorded as the user typed them. These macros could then be assigned to any key desired. This enabled any sequence of keystrokes to be recorded, saved, and recalled. Macros could examine system data, make decisions, be chained together, and operate recursively until a defined “stop” condition occurred.
This capability provided a powerful way to rearrange data and formatting codes within a document where the same sequence of actions needed to be performed repetitively, e. But since keystrokes were recorded, changes in the function of certain keys as the program evolved would mean that macros from one DOS version of WordPerfect would not necessarily run correctly on another version. Editing of macros was difficult until the introduction of a macro editor in Shell, in which a separate file for each WordPerfect product with macros enabled the screen display of the function codes used in the macros for that product.
For example, “go down four lines” has a clear meaning on a DOS screen, but no definite meaning with a Windows screen. WordPerfect lacked a way to meaningfully record mouse movements. A new and even more powerful interpreted token-based macro recording and scripting language came with both DOS and Windows 6.
PerfectScript has remained the mainstay scripting language for WordPerfect users ever since. It dealt with functions rather than with keystrokes. There was no way to import DOS macros, and users who had created extensive macro libraries were forced to continue using WordPerfect 5.
An important property of WordPerfect macros is that they are not embedded in a document. Despite the term “macro”, the language has hundreds of commands and functions and in fact creates full-fledged programs resident on and executed on the user’s computer.
A WordPerfect macro can create or modify a document or perform tasks like displaying results of a calculation such as taking a date input, adding a specific number of days and displaying the new date in a dialog box.
Documents created or edited by a WordPerfect macro are no different from those produced by manual input; the macros simply improve efficiency or automate repetitive tasks and also enabled creating content-rich document types, which would hardly be feasible manually.
The PerfectScript macro language shows especial versatility in its ability to deploy every function that exists in the entire office suite, no matter whether that function was designed for WordPerfect, Quattro Pro or Presentations.
The macro development wizard presents and explains all of these functions. The number of functions available through PerfectScript is unparalleled in the office market. On top of the functions available in the main components of the office suite, PerfectScript also provides the user with tools to build dialogs and forms.
Widgets like buttons, input fields, drop-down lists and labels are easily combined to build user-friendly interfaces for custom office applications. Beginning with WordPerfect Office 10, the suite also included the Microsoft Office Visual Basic macro language as an alternative, meant to improve compatibility of the suite with Microsoft Office documents.
Macros may be used to create data entry programs which enter information directly into WordPerfect documents, saving the time and effort required to retype it. LRS specified language formatting conventions. WordPerfect used F3 instead of F1 for Help , [18] F1 instead of Esc for Cancel , and Esc for Repeat though a configuration option in later versions allowed these functions to be rotated to locations that later became more standard.
The extensive number of key combinations are now one of WordPerfect’s most popular features among its regular ” power users ” such as legal secretaries, paralegals and attorneys. WordPerfect for DOS shipped with an impressive array of printer drivers —a feature that played an important role in its adoption—and also shipped with a printer driver editor called PTR, which features a flexible macro language and allows technically inclined users to customize and create printer drivers.
An interesting feature of the DOS 5. It allowed a user with certain compatible printers to use WordPerfect as a conventional typewriter. This functionality was removed in the DOS 5. WordPerfect Corporation produced a variety of ancillary and spin-off products.
WordPerfect Library, [23] introduced in and later renamed WordPerfect Office not to be confused with Corel’s Windows office suite of the same name , was a package of DOS network and stand-alone utility software for use with WordPerfect. The package included a DOS menu shell and file manager which could edit binary files as well as WordPerfect or Shell macros, calendar, and a general-purpose flat file database program that could be used as the data file for a merge in WordPerfect and as a contact manager.
LP did not support tables, labels, sorting, equation editing or styles. It was written by Lew Bastian. In December , Novell released DataPerfect as copyrighted freeware and allowed the original author to continue to update the program. Updates were developed until at least DataPerfect supports up to 99 data files “panels” with each holding up to 16 million records of up to fields and an unlimited number of variable-length memo fields which can store up to 64, characters each. Networked, DataPerfect supports up to 10, simultaneous users.
Another program distributed through WordPerfect Corporation was PlanPerfect, a spreadsheet application. The first version with that name was reviewed in InfoWorld magazine September WordPerfect was late in coming to market with a Windows version. The first mature version, WordPerfect 5.
By the time WordPerfect 5. WordPerfect’s function-key-centered user interface did not adapt well to the new paradigm of mouse and pull-down menus, especially with many of WordPerfect’s standard key combinations pre-empted by incompatible keyboard shortcuts that Windows itself used; for example, Alt-F4 became Exit Program , as opposed to WordPerfect’s Block Text.
The DOS version’s impressive arsenal of finely tuned printer drivers was also rendered obsolete by Windows’ use of its own printer device drivers. WordPerfect became part of an office suite when the company entered into a co-licensing agreement with Borland Software Corporation in The most important middleware-suite, still active in current versions of WordPerfect Office, is called PerfectFit developed by WordPerfect. The other “middleware” developed by Novell was called AppWare.
The WordPerfect product line was sold twice, first to Novell [3] in June , who then sold it at a big loss to Corel in January However, Novell kept the WordPerfect Office technology, incorporating it into its GroupWise messaging and collaboration product. Compounding WordPerfect’s troubles were issues associated with the release of the first bit version, WordPerfect 7 , intended for use on Windows In the lawsuit ‘Novell v. Microsoft’, Novell argued that these problems were due to anti-competitive acts by Microsoft.
The initial release suffered from notable stability problems. WordPerfect 7 also did not have a Microsoft “Designed for Windows 95” logo. This was important to some Windows 95 software purchasers as Microsoft set standards for application design, behavior, and interaction with the operating system. To make matters worse, the original release of WordPerfect 7 was incompatible with Windows NT , hindering its adoption in many professional environments. A Windows version of WordPerfect was not introduced until nearly two years after Windows 3.
Word also benefited from being included in an integrated office suite package much sooner than WordPerfect. While Microsoft offered something that looked like a fully integrated office suite in Microsoft Office , a common complaint about early Windows versions of WordPerfect Office was that it looked like a collection of separate applications from different vendors cobbled together, with inconsistent user interfaces from one application to another.
In fact, enabling applications from various software developers to work together on every platform was part of the Novell strategy. Novell had acquired WordPerfect for Windows from WordPerfect Corporation, Paradox from Borland, and various peripheral utilities from other companies and had started to evangelize the Novell “middleware” — Appware — as a means for others to run their programs on every operating system.
This “middleware” strategy would make software vendors and customers independent from operating system vendors, like Microsoft, thus posing a real threat. PerfectScript and the middleware PerfectFit played the major role here. Elements of applications like CorelDraw and Ventura desktop publishing were also integrated and enriched the document format.
Among the remaining avid users of WordPerfect are many law firms and government offices, [3] which favor WordPerfect features such as macros, reveal codes, and the ability to access a large range of formatting options such as left-right block indent directly with key combinations rather than having to click through several layers of submenus as Microsoft Word often requires. Fast typists appreciate the ability to keep their hands on the keyboard, rather than reaching for the mouse as often as would be required if they were using Microsoft Word.
WordPerfect users may also define any key or key combination to do what they want, such as typing phrases they often use or executing macros. The user interface has stayed almost identical from WPWin 6 through WP X5 and file formats have not changed, as incompatible new formats would require keeping both obsolete software versions and obsolete hardware around just to access old documents.
Corel has catered to these markets, with, for example, a major sale to the United States Department of Justice in In November , Novell filed an antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft for alleged anti-competitive behavior such as tying Word to sales of Windows that Novell claims led to loss of WordPerfect market share. In January , subscribers to Corel’s electronic newsletter were informed that WordPerfect 13 was scheduled for release later in The subsequent release of X3 identified as “13” internally and in registry entries has been met with generally positive reviews, due to new features including a unique PDF import capability, metadata removal tools , integrated search and online resources and other features.
Version X3 was described by CNET in January, as a “winner”, “a feature-packed productivity suite that’s just as easy to use — and in many ways more innovative than — industry-goliath Microsoft Office While the notable if incremental enhancements of WordPerfect Office X3 have been well received by reviewers, a number of online forums have voiced concern about the future direction of WordPerfect, with long-time users complaining about certain usability and functionality issues that users have been asking to have fixed for the last few release versions.
This claim was soon debunked [40] after industry analyst Joe Wilcox described JupiterResearch usage surveys that showed WordPerfect as the No. The new release includes integration with Microsoft SharePoint and other web services geared towards government and business users.
Borland then sold the suite to Novell in , which led to the addition of Novell Presentations and the now-defunct InfoCentral. It was then sold to Corel in The suite for Windows was released in to retail. Small Business edition was released on January 31, , and omits Paradox. Several variants of this suite exist. One of these is the Family Pack, sold in versions 2 and 3 at a reduced price. Three variants of the suite were created to integrate voice recognition. The latest version is WordPerfect Office , released May Corel’s application is available only for the Windows platform.
Presentations is a presentation program by Corel. WordPerfect Lightning is a note-taking application. Paradox is a relational database manager for Windows.
Corel added “Classic Mode” in WordPerfect Although this displays the “classic” cyan Courier text on medium blue background, it is not a true emulation of the DOS version. The 6. WordPerfect 9 and newer is bundled with the WordPerfect Office Suite and cannot be purchased separately. Known versions for the DEC Rainbow include version? Known versions for Sun include WordPerfect 6. Development of WordPerfect for Macintosh did not run parallel to versions for other operating systems, and used version numbers unconnected to contemporary releases for DOS and Windows.
Version 2 was a total rewrite, adhering more closely to Apple’s UI guidelines. Version 3 took this further, making extensive use of the technologies Apple introduced in Systems 7.
Corel released version 3. It was never updated beyond that, and the product was eventually discontinued. As of [update] , Corel has reiterated that the company has no plans to further develop WordPerfect for Macintosh such as creating a native Mac OS X version. For several years, Corel allowed Mac users to download version 3.
Users wishing to use a current release of WordPerfect can run the Windows version through Boot Camp or virtualization software, and through Darwine or CrossOver Mac with mixed results. In , WordPerfect Corp.
On the Atari ST version, a user can open up to four windows compared to DOS’ two and the application runs three to five times faster than the DOS version depending on which update or patch is installed. Like other versions, WordPerfect for the ST was not copy-protected.
However, support from the Atari community convinced WordPerfect to reconsider and support for the Atari ST continued, [60] [61] but only a single developer was assigned to the project to fix bugs. A WordPerfect 5. In , WordPerfect was ported to the Amiga [64] and was upgraded through version 4. After customers stated that they would be satisfied with a DOS-like word processor the company resumed development of only the Amiga version of WordPerfect, [62] but discontinued it in In , WordPerfect 6.
In late , a newer version was made available for download, but had to be purchased to be activated. In Corel released WordPerfect 8. The full version was sold as a package. A cut-down version was made available for downloading. Hoping to establish themselves in the nascent commercial Linux market, Corel also developed their own distribution of Linux. This included WordPerfect 8. Although the Linux distribution was fairly well-received, the response to WordPerfect for Linux varied.
Some Linux promoters [ who? Once OpenOffice. WordPerfect failed to gain a large user base, and as part of Corel’s change of strategic direction following a non-voting investment by Microsoft, WordPerfect for Linux was discontinued and their Linux distribution was sold to Xandros.
As of [update] , WordPerfect for Linux is not available for purchase, however it can still be found used, in online marketplaces.
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[ Update] Fixes For Microsoft Word Has Stopped Working On PC
Your printer drivers can interfere with Office and cause Microsoft Word has stopped working error to arise. So, sometimes you can fix this. Fix Microsoft Word has Stopped Working · Method 1 – Start with Repair option for Office /// · Method 2 – Disable all Plug-ins of MS Word · Disable.